The Students Assistance Centre (SAC) was established in Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur (AJ&K) in collaboration with Higher Education Commission (HEC) for providing financial assistance through different scholarships programs to the meritorious, needy and deserving students of the University. The primary function of SAC is to coordinate with different governments, HEC, MUST authorities and other private donors for execution and operationalization of financial assistance/ aid to the University Students.
The Students Assistance Centre (SAC) has the responsibility for provision of all information and services to those students enrolled in different undergraduate and post graduate programs in the MUST but their financial resources are not sufficient to meet the expenses. The SAC aims to make it possible for the students who might otherwise be deprived of this higher education opportunity just because of inadequate financial resources of their families.
Key Roles:
a) Execute / implement and operate the financial assistance Scheme(s)/ programs of the Government / HEC / MUST and other donors.
b) Establish regular communication flow between the MUST and the students/parents. Co-ordinate with all stake holders regarding the financial assistance /aid programs.
c) Establish essential manual and automated processes to award financial assistance in a timely manner to award financial assistance/Scholarships to qualified students, according to institutional and Govt requirements.
d) Create awareness; build relationships with the society for humanitarian support to higher education. Provide individual student/parent assistance in completing necessary applications and managing personal resources as they are needed to augment financial assistance in covering educational expenses.
Mission & Goals:
“To involve stakeholders in private support for Higher Education by building trustworthy relationships through meaningful interaction and convincing”.
a) Explore the donors, trustees, business enterprises, industries and alumni for the financial assistance / aid to the University and its students.
b) Create awareness; build relationships with the society for philanthropic support to higher education.
c) Raise the level of funding by creating multiple funding streams for sustainability and development of the University.
d) Co-ordinate with all stake holders regarding the financial assistance /aid programs.
e) Execute / implement and operate the financial assistance Scheme(s)/ programs of the Government / HEC / MUST and other donors.